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The Water Department is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the water system. This includes monthly testing, line flushing, leak repairs, and daily logging of water system equipment. The system is regulated by the Washington Department of Health.
The Maintenance Department is responsible for the HOA membership common areas, the MPC, parks, greenbelts, park restrooms, garbage pick-up at the parks and general landscaping of the community. Maintenance is also responsible for the upkeep of vehicles, backhoe, mowers, and small engine tools.
They are not responsible for clean up of member properties such as gutter cleaning, removing of trees (unless they come from the greenbelt) animal feces clean up, or road kill disposal.
By state law, no HOA is allowed to give out personal email or telephone numbers without the owner’s permission. We are able to give owner names and mailing addresses only. In case of emergency it is best to leave your phone number with the office and the staff can contact your neighbors for you and relay your number to them.
We bill on a bi-monthly billing system. Bills come out every January, March, May, July, September and November. Bills are due the following month.
The water portion of each bill is for the two months prior to the month the bills come out. The HOA portion of your bill is for the current billing month.