Lakes Being Treated

(update): lake spray dates are 8/6/2024, no swimming until 8/8. We appologize for any inconvenience.

Below is the text on a notice from Aquatechnex informing the membership of both little lake and big lake being treated.

Big and Little Timber Lakes will be treated ith aqautic herbicides on or about July 29th-August 23rd, weather permitting. Only one treatment is anticipated. If required, a follow up treatment may take place on or about August 26th-October 30th. Treatment(s) will not take place on weekends or holidays.

Product(s) planned for use: Littora, Aquathol, Clearcast

Active ingredient(s): Diquat, Endothall, Imazamox

Plants/Algae targeted: Nuisance and invasive aquatic plants; Naiad, Pondweed species, elodea, watershield, Yellow Flag Iris, Purple Loosestrife

Location of treatment(s): Big and Little Timber Lakes

The applicator will post signs in the treated and potentially affected areas no more than 48 hours prior to treatment. The signs will describe any water use restrictions or advisories.

If you are withdrawing water for potable or domestic water use, livestock watering, or irrigation, and have no alternative water source, please contact Aquatechnex at (360)330-0152 to arrange an alternative water supply.

If you want additional notifications prior to treatment, or have further questions, please contact Aquatechnex using the information above.

This herbicide treatment is regulated under a permit issues by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Permit No. WAG994086


Volunteer of the year 2024


Noxious weeds in Timberlake